Facebook has many options in its ads for you to choose from. The more fine tuned the demographics are to what you are promoting the better the
I left my Barber
I left my barber.For most of us, male or female, leaving your hair grooming place of choice is a big deal. It would take a few straws to break that
3 things Car Dealers are doing wrong on Facebook
Part of what we do at Petrol Digital is asses a dealers Facebook page. Here are three of the most common things dealers are doing wrong on
Car Dealers: Hello Twitter Advertising
Yesterday Twitter released it Ads Platform to SMB's. This is something a lot of us have been waiting for and I think the Automotive Industry will
Automotive Industry: The real reason Email Addresses are important
One thing that has stuck out at me in my years in the Automotive Industry, is data collection for marketing purposes is far from perfect.Forget
What does Facebook’s new Local Ads mean for Car Dealers?
This morning Facebook launched it’s new Local Ad’s feature, Local Awareness.What makes this so exciting is the ability to set extreme localisation
5 Reasons your Dealership Sucks at Facebook
Facebook is an extremely effective way to get in front of peoples eyes who are already interested in you. Unfortunately Facebook can be daunting for