Facebook has announced that they will be increasing scrutiny on low quality ads on their platform.
This is to increase trust in the platform, and to keep content in line with “creating meaningful connections” on Facebook. To me this is welcome, as the practises below have become far to common. This leads to distrust in ads, making clicks harder to come by. It also hits Facebook’s hip pocket.
Facebook will be taking action against:
Engagement Bait
Simply asking for likes or engagement on posts and ads is now (even more so) a no no.

Withholding Information
Posts and ads that withhold information in order to get you to click through, will also be targeted in this initiative.

Sensationalised Language
Facebook will be focusing on sensationalised, over the top language that conjure up a reaction, but leads to a disappointing experience on the website it takes you to.
Where to from here
Facebook will at the least reduce the reach of these ads and at the most not approve them. There are industries renowned for posts and ads such as the above, especially in media and politics. Those industries will reportedly have extra scrutiny on them.
About time too.
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